Showing posts with label blogpost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogpost. Show all posts

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Perception of Art

 The first and foremost thing people misunderstand about art is when they think that one thing is art, and the other thing isn't. Let me clear away that misconception for you.

A five-year-old blissfully scribbling away a doodle on a piece of paper, and a master artist painstakingly making a detailed portrait are both examples of art, and some people might be tended to put away the toddler's drawing as something that shouldn't be paid attention to (except parents who would stick it to the refrigerator), according to me show a wonderful sort of insight about various things. But people usually pay attention to the works of an adult, which is why so many paintings from famous artists have so much market value. 

Art is expression. 

There is no set definition to it. It is an expression done by the conscious mind, and therefore any such expression is to be considered art. One of my cousin-sisters made a tiny bookmark for me; It has an orange rabbit drawn by pencil holding an even more orange-colored carrot. I keep it in one of my Charles Dickens novels. That is an example of art, and so is The Starry Night by Van Gogh. By no means am I comparing the two, however, what I mean to say is that expression has tons of different ways to be shown, and each one means an entirely different thing to each person. 

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A big picture I drew when I was small.

Old Memories

Old Memories
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso