Showing posts with label rimzim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rimzim. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Hello everyone!
Guess what today is... It's my birthday! And it is APJ Abdul Kalam sir's Birthday too! 
After waiting for an entire year for this day, here it finally is. And I had a lot of fun at school today too. The usual custom at our school is that children wear their birthday dresses and distribute something in their classes. It usually is pens, chocolates or sweets. 

But I think pens, chocolates, and 
sweets are something, everyone 

does, and I'm not like everyone, otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this blog, right? So I sat brainstorming alone at night and came up with a brilliant idea that everyone at home and school loved.
 My class teacher said it  
was a very thoughtful gift to give.

White daisy seed Pots

Instead of giving away all those things, I decided to do something for the environment. Mum ordered 50 recycled black plant pots, and we kept 4 white daisy seeds in each of them. I thought that it would be a really nice thing to give away white daisy seeds to my friends and teachers. They'll go and plant it at home, and maybe when the flowers will come they will remember me? 

Whoever celebrates their birthday, their kid's birthday or any of their family's, please consider this idea to give away and make the earth green! 

~Chinmayee Bhattacharjee 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Nature  Scenery 

Hey Everybody ! This is my oil pastel drawing of an imaginary place I cooked up. 
Did you know ? Whenever you go to a much more greener place than the cities you live in, your eyes begin to relax. This is because our eyes have evolved like that. So go on , 
                     Enjoy the greenery that I have brought for you !

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Tree Frog

The tree frog is a magnificent species of frog that spends its major part of life in trees, thus its name.It is native to the eastern United States. 

Its biological name is Agalychnis callidryas.  These amphibians are arboreal, meaning they spend a lot of time hiding in the trees. The frogs live in tropical lowlands in Central America and northern South America, and though one might think that its bright red eyes and blue and yellow markings would put the amphibian in danger, the crafty frog actually uses its flashy colors to its advantage.They have no problem in scaling trees and leaves, and look Beautiful. 

I have made a drawing of a tree frog. I hope you like it.

- By Chinmayee Bhattacharjee

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Living In Space 

Living in space is very hard. There's no gravity, so doing everyday things isn't a piece of cake.
Here are some ways astronauts live and work in space aboard a space station. 

1. Cleanliness-

        Astronauts need to stay clean in space as well as you need to on earth.They have toothpastes, toothbrushes, combs, brushes and shavers. All these are to be found in a personal hygiene kit.Astronauts use different and special kinds of soap and shampoo. After washing they wipe up with a towel.Image result for an astronaut in the toilet

2. Neat and Tidy-
       In space, astronauts live in a very small space. They have to keep their area clean in space just like we do on Earth. They use wet wipes to clean things. There are four bins on the space shuttle. The first three bins are for wet trash and the last fourth one is for dry waste. They also use a vacuum cleaner. 

3. Beauty Sleep-
      Well, don't suppose that astronauts float around in sleep !
They hop into a sleeping bag and then strap themselves in it. Otherwise they would be crashing into things all night!

It is really hard to live in space, still astronauts are trained for it and they do it to find out more about the mind boggling, beautiful space.
Image result for an astronaut sleeping in space

- Chinmayee Bhattacharjee 

Friday, January 27, 2017


Hi Everybody ! 
Here is my drawing of a pirate who is just about to go with his companion the parrot  on a long voyage for treasure! 
Please do join him ! 

Creative Commons License
These works are licensed under ChinmayeesGraphy- Please take permission before use.


A big picture I drew when I was small.

Old Memories

Old Memories
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso