Showing posts with label space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space. Show all posts

Sunday, December 3, 2017


The moon, it's charming and beautiful. The moon is the natural satellite of Earth. Today the super moon was rising and I was looking at it with awe and wonder from my balcony. The craters must be really huge if the are visible to us on Earth. 

The moon 
Its lovely shining light reached me as I was standing there enjoying the cool breeze. 

I took a photo of the moon with my Baba's Camera and Lens and I think it turned out quite good. What do you think?
I'll surely go to the moon one day. 🌙

~ Chinmayee

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Living In Space 

Living in space is very hard. There's no gravity, so doing everyday things isn't a piece of cake.
Here are some ways astronauts live and work in space aboard a space station. 

1. Cleanliness-

        Astronauts need to stay clean in space as well as you need to on earth.They have toothpastes, toothbrushes, combs, brushes and shavers. All these are to be found in a personal hygiene kit.Astronauts use different and special kinds of soap and shampoo. After washing they wipe up with a towel.Image result for an astronaut in the toilet

2. Neat and Tidy-
       In space, astronauts live in a very small space. They have to keep their area clean in space just like we do on Earth. They use wet wipes to clean things. There are four bins on the space shuttle. The first three bins are for wet trash and the last fourth one is for dry waste. They also use a vacuum cleaner. 

3. Beauty Sleep-
      Well, don't suppose that astronauts float around in sleep !
They hop into a sleeping bag and then strap themselves in it. Otherwise they would be crashing into things all night!

It is really hard to live in space, still astronauts are trained for it and they do it to find out more about the mind boggling, beautiful space.
Image result for an astronaut sleeping in space

- Chinmayee Bhattacharjee 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Moon

Where the moon goes
Never leaving a trail,
Nor does it go by car,
Nor does it go by rail.

Then comes morning,
with the happy sun
We go out and have a fun.

As we say bye to the Sun,
There arrives moon again.
I write a letter to the moon,
with my pen.


Creative Commons License
These works are licensed under ChinmayeesGraphy- Please take permission before use.


A big picture I drew when I was small.

Old Memories

Old Memories
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso