Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Death trap

The Death trap

Hi everybody!

 Let me tell you what happened today.
I like photography and so I go out on bird walks with my dad. This fine morning, he woke up early at 6 o’clock. He woke me up too and called me to get ready. Wiping my eyes, I stared at the wall clock. “It’s only 6! Can’t I sleep a little longer?” I moaned. “No. Don’t you want to go out with me? Birding is for early birds. Now get up,” He said. I got ready and went off to the lakeside with him.

It was cool and a light breeze blew. The sun had hardly come out and it was cloudy too. There were trees all around and the greenery soothed my eyes. I gave dad some tea from the flask that we had brought.  We decided to walk along the lakeside and scan it for birds. I spotted some small birds and asked dad which ones they were. He said that the ones sitting on the rocks were river terns. I clicked a few photos of them and then we moved on.

River tern

Walking by the side, rather crouching because we didn’t want the birds to see us, dad pointed out to a long stick that was put in the ground. There was another stick of nearly the same length standing with the help of rocks some four or five meters apart. I thought this was odd. We decided to go near and check it out.  The both of us walked till there slowly and when we reached there we saw a very strange thing. The sticks that were standing some meters apart were joined by a long and thin rope which was white and dirty. Hanging from that rope were various ropes of different lengths ending with a noose that would remind anybody of the gallows. I was perplexed at first, but understood what it was when dad explained it to me.

 Shore birds and waders such as plovers, stilts and shanks come to feed upon them and they are usually found at such places. They come feeding, and when they come too near their long stick-like legs get stuck in the noose. Even so, their leg can be taken out, but when the bird tries to pull its leg, the noose tightens itself and become small. So the harder the bird pulls, the tighter it becomes, and the more difficult it gets for the bird to free itself.

“So it is a bird trap?” I ask.

“Yes,” My father replies.

“But one thing that I don’t quite get, is that why someone would like to catch such a harmless and innocent bird,” I say.

“It is very simple my dear. Villagers from nearby villages come to these forests and disturb the wildlife with their activities. The graze their cows, collect firewood and timber, clear natural vegetation and disturb wildlife. The trap that you just saw set up here is for someone’s meal. After the bird is caught, whoever has set up this trap will come and take it away. He will cook it up and eat it. Not only are these birds, but francolins and partridges also targeted for their meat.” He took a brief pause and continued. “Let’s take this death trap out before anybody sees us and any bird is caught.”

We pulled the sticks, gathered all the ropes, put them in the car and went back home after some photography.

What I want to really say is that we humans must not disturb and kill wildlife for our greedy needs. Many times when I go on such walks I admire nature’s beauty and all that it has given us. But then when I find a plastic manja in a tree or a plastic bottle lying around I think that we are using our Earth’s resources but are not giving back. It really makes me think, do we deserve everything we have?
~ Chinmayee Bhattacharjee

Sunday, August 25, 2019


We, humans, are called the most intelligent species on Earth, by ourselves of course. But there couldn't have been a more careless, stupid and selfish species like ours, save for a few individuals who genuinely care. 

A dead Iguana burnt in the forest fire
The Amazon is burning, and thousands of animals have died. The causes are most probably human-made. This is the season when farmers set fire to their land for clearing out old crops and stalks to fertilize the land with ash. This might be good for their crop but is definitely horrible for the forest. The crop fire reaches out through the crop, eventually reaching the margins, where the plants of the forest catch it. The fire then makes its way through the entire jungle like a monster, devouring all life in its way. The effects are so devastating that they can be seen through space, and I am worried.

Another carcass scorched by the fire
An ocelot lies injured during the fire
The amazon rain forest is habitat
to nearly ten percent of the world's species, and a new species is discovered there every other day. Deforestation, forest fires, and poaching have become a major issue, eating away at the ecosystem. We don't really deserve this planet. Isn't it time to open up our eyes to what is happening around us? When will humanity actually realize it's folly? After everything is gone? 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

My Jungle Safari 

Hi everybody! This is my watercolour painting which was selected for the second round of an art competition. I made this drawing because I think that tigers are very courageous and majestic. In India, there are many tiger reserves but the tiger population is sadly, fast depleting. I like tigers and  maybe we can save them before its too late. 
                       ~ Chinmayee Bhattacharjee

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Oil pastel

Oil Pastel Village scenery

Hi everybody !
This is my new pastel drawing of a village scene with a lake. I spent an an hour and half for this. 

Hope you like it☺


Sunday, July 2, 2017

A Lotus in water colour !

The lotus is my country, India's national flower. I tried making it in water colour . How is it ?


Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Tree Frog

The tree frog is a magnificent species of frog that spends its major part of life in trees, thus its name.It is native to the eastern United States. 

Its biological name is Agalychnis callidryas.  These amphibians are arboreal, meaning they spend a lot of time hiding in the trees. The frogs live in tropical lowlands in Central America and northern South America, and though one might think that its bright red eyes and blue and yellow markings would put the amphibian in danger, the crafty frog actually uses its flashy colors to its advantage.They have no problem in scaling trees and leaves, and look Beautiful. 

I have made a drawing of a tree frog. I hope you like it.

- By Chinmayee Bhattacharjee

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Living In Space 

Living in space is very hard. There's no gravity, so doing everyday things isn't a piece of cake.
Here are some ways astronauts live and work in space aboard a space station. 

1. Cleanliness-

        Astronauts need to stay clean in space as well as you need to on earth.They have toothpastes, toothbrushes, combs, brushes and shavers. All these are to be found in a personal hygiene kit.Astronauts use different and special kinds of soap and shampoo. After washing they wipe up with a towel.Image result for an astronaut in the toilet

2. Neat and Tidy-
       In space, astronauts live in a very small space. They have to keep their area clean in space just like we do on Earth. They use wet wipes to clean things. There are four bins on the space shuttle. The first three bins are for wet trash and the last fourth one is for dry waste. They also use a vacuum cleaner. 

3. Beauty Sleep-
      Well, don't suppose that astronauts float around in sleep !
They hop into a sleeping bag and then strap themselves in it. Otherwise they would be crashing into things all night!

It is really hard to live in space, still astronauts are trained for it and they do it to find out more about the mind boggling, beautiful space.
Image result for an astronaut sleeping in space

- Chinmayee Bhattacharjee 

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Dr. Salim Ali, 
one of the greatest ornithologists and naturalists of all time, is also known as the “birdman of India”. He was one of the very first scientists to carry out systematic bird surveys in India and abroad. His research work is considered highly influential in the development of ornithology.
Today is Dr. Salim Alis Birth Anniversary I'm dedicating my Poem to him.

Save Me!

A little voice said,
Don't let me go on my deathbed.
Who am I ? You might ask,

I am a little bird
Spare me!
Don't you hunt me down,
Don't make me fall to the ground.

I want to fly,
High up in the sky

I eat the little things you humans call bugs,
I am not so lucky,
liked poodles and pugs.

I may be dull in colour, or a magnificent blue,
But my family and ancestors,
they all flew.

Our food chain and ecosystem,
all its linked,

Save me my friends!
Don't let me go extinct.

Creative Commons License
These works are licensed under ChinmayeesGraphy- Please take permission before use.


A big picture I drew when I was small.

Old Memories

Old Memories
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso