Monday, September 6, 2021

Famous Paintings I Like

 When I say the word 'famous painting', what comes into your mind? 

The Mona Lisa by Da Vinci?               

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo? 

Or, The Scream by Edvard Munch? 

Here are a few famous paintings I adore. 

Girl With a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer 

A truly captivating painting, this portrait of an unknown girl appeals to many eyes across the globe. It is impossible to determine whether she is turning away from you or towards you, but her slightly parted lips give away her emotion. The portrait is named after the large pearl earing she is wearing, though on closer inspection, it seems to be just a blob of white paint, which illustrates Vermeer's illusionary and artistic abilities. 

The Elephants by Salvador Dali

Known for his intelligence and surrealistic art style, Salvador Dali is the artist of this unconventional painting. The two elephants in the landscape painting represent the future and are also symbols of strength. The most noticeable thing about them would be their long, multi-jointed legs that resemble those of a spider's, but not many would notice the phallic representation of the stone obelisks on their backs which seem to float and are symbolic of power and domination against the dreary and mostly barren landscape. 

Ship with Butterfly Sails by Salvador Dali

Another one of his surrealistic scapes, Ship with Butterfly Sails by Dali is an excellent example of beautiful surrealism. The clouds in the painting swirl loosely, and the vibrant colors of the butterfly wings contrast with the bright blue sea or the rocky ground. It highlights one of the main ideas or themes of Surrealism: Juxtaposition. 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

A Ginger Cat

 In this drawing, I make a realization that running pencil colors over watercolors lead to a smooth and completely new feel to your painting. It sort of looks smoother, and shading becomes easier. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Shouldn't Have Done That!

 I usually pay attention to whatever I am doing with my hands, even when I'm zoning out or thinking about something else while doing something entirely unrelated or different. Whenever I paint at home, I always sit either on my desk (which I manage to keep clean at regular intervals, don't ask me how) or on the floor where I spread everything till miles (including paint blotches). 

So one day, I was painting the Cormorant painting I had posted earlier on Instagram, and I did the one irreprehensible mistake artists commit:

Dipping the brush in your tea instead of the water-bowl. 

* sigh* 

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These works are licensed under ChinmayeesGraphy- Please take permission before use.


A big picture I drew when I was small.

Old Memories

Old Memories
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso